
Copyingselected tracks on a CD
You can copy your lavorile tracks on a CD onto the HDD.
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4. Press _pD to start copying.
The progress of the copy process is shown in the display.
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It takes a few seconds lor this unit to become ready I(5start
copying afler _>/Dnhas been pressed.
This unit may create some vibration and rotation noise while "1"
performing tile copying process by rotating a CD at high t_
To cancel copying, press c_ rTI
When copying has been completed, the operation of O
the HDD and the CD automatically stops.
1 Set the CD in the disc tray, then add bookmarks to
favorite tracks (P.24).
Tracks are listed and slored in order that the hooknmrks have
been placed.
The bookmark placed to the track oil the CD will be canceled if
the disc tray is open. or the power of this unit is turned off.
@_.Press COPY once.
This unit enters the HDD copy standb 5 mode. Copying has not
been started yet at this stage.
In the HDD copy standby mode. you can specify' the settings
lot HDD copy. For details, refer to "Setting the HDD copy
mode" (R28) and "Senings HDD copy menu" (R29).
You can specify a disc to where dala is copied. For details,
refer to "Selecting a target disc" (R28). (When no disc is
specified, theunit automatically selects the smallest disc
nmnber that does not contain any data.)
3. Press TRAC K NO./BO0 KMAR K (BOOKMARK on the
remote control).
Tile list of tile track that tile hooknmrk is placed to is selected
as the group to be copied (tile MARK indicator lights on the
display'). Press TRACK NO./BOOKMARK (BOOKMARK on
the remote control) again to return 1(5the normal copy standby