• Copyingselected tracks on the HDD
Yuu can copy lavurite tracks on the HDD lu a CD-R ur CD-RW disc.
GROUP SKIP buttons
'1. Set a new or not finalized CD-R (or CD-RW) disc in
the disc tray, then select the HDD and add book-
marks to favorite tracks (P.24).
Tracks are listed and stored in order that the huekmarks have
been placed.
2. Press COPY twice.
This unit enters the CDR copy standhy mode. ('_upying has nut
been started yel al this stage.
In the CDR copy standby mode, yuu can specily the settings
for disc copy. Fur details, refer to "Setting the CDR copy
mude" (R42) and "Selling the CDR copy menu" (R43).
3, Rotate the MULTI JOG knob (press +/-, GROUP SKIP
buttons, • or * on the remote control) to select
You carl create a CD with high quality sounds using the Audio
Master Quality Recording feature. For details, refer to
"Copying high quality sounds (Audio Master Quality
Recording)" (R41 ).
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4. Press E>/DDto start copying
Tile progress ol tile copy process is shown in tile display.
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M_F_K 4 :;; :r:_ :;;: :
The OPC (Optimum Power Control) li:ature may start
automatically depending uu disc conditions. In this case, the
message "OPC Adjust" appears uu the display until the
a@lstment is done (about lOseconds) before the copy process
CD TEXT is cupied only when selecting "Full Auto" in the
CDR copy mode fur a new CD-R or CD-RW disc.
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When copying has been completed, the operation of
the HDD and the CD automatically stops.
5. To carry out the finalization process (P.47), press