
Turn ()If the power uf this unit and tire uther compuuents, and unplug them from Ihe wall outlet belure making any cunnectiuns. Fulh)w the
diagram beh)w lu make connecliuns with pruper cables.
Digital connections
To output signals from this ,((lit to an external component, connect DIGITAL OUT jack of this unit to tile digital input jack of tile external
component. To input signals from an external component tu this unit, connect DIGITAL IN jack of this unit to the digital output jack of the
external component.
This unit cannot input digital signals uther than PCM signals.
Analog connections
To output signals from this unit tu m( external component, connect ANAL()(-; LINE OUT jack of this unit to tile mmlog input jack of tile
external component. To input signals from an external component tu this unit. connect ANALOG LINE IN.jack of this unit tu the analog
output jack of the external component. Be sure to connect L (lel_) and R (right).jacks respectively
To connect the turntable directly to this unit, first connect it to the phunu equalizer and then connect tu the ANALOG LINE IN (REC) jacks
on this unit.
When you play the data on the HDD or CDs, signals are output buth from the ANALOG LINE OUT (PLAY).jack and from the DIGITAL
Signals that are output through the DIGITAL OUT (OPTICAL) jacks or the DIGITAL OUT (COAXIAL) .jacks while playing the data on
the HDD do (lot have inlbrmatiun about the track markers. Therelore if these signals are recurded by an MD player, the track markers (nay
nut be placed correctly on the recorded MD disc.
Arrow marks (--_) in the illustration below
indicate the direction of signals.
DVD player, cable TV tuner, etc
Coaxial cable
tl S-video cable
lcabL_le {_ _ [ ] *RS-232C terminal _
Audio pin cable _ I,_/_
Amplifier or receiver DIgITaL
Video pincable
(U.S.A. model)
*Thisterminal is for connection ofthe personalcomputer. Informationabout the PCsoftware (Englishversion only) isto be
announcedon theYAMAHA Website(http://www.yamaha.co.jp/english/product]av/),