Range: off, on
Controls: [CS3], [-1] [+1], Dial
When the Loop parameter is set to “on” the pitch EG cycle repeats from
the beginning (L0) to the L3 level until the keys being played are released.
When set to “off,” the L3 level is maintained until the keys being played are
R1 … R3, RR (Rates 1 … 3, release rate)
Range: 0 ... +63
Controls: [CS4] … [CS7], [-1] [+1], Dial
These parameters work in conjunction with the level parameters described
above to determine the “shape” of the pitch envelope generator for the selected
The “Rate” parameters work in the same way as the amplitude envelope
generator rate parameters: a setting of “63” produces the fastest (almost instan-
taneous) rate between levels, while the minimum setting of “0” produces the
slowest change.
The pitch envelope begins at L0 (Level 0), moves to L1 (Level 1) at a rate
determined by the setting of R1, then to L2 (Level 2) at R2 (Rate 2), and then
to L3 (Level 3) at R3 (Rate 3). The pitch stays at L3 until the key is released,
and then moves to RL1 (Release Level 1) at the rate determined by RR (Re-
lease Rate).
RS (Pitch EG rate scaling)
Range: -7 … +7
Controls: [CS8], [-1] [+1], Dial
Allows the overall pitch envelope generator rate for the selected element to
be varied across the entire pitch range.
Plus (“+”) settings produce a longer overall envelope time for the low notes
and a shorter envelope time for the high notes. The maximum “+7” setting
produces the greatest envelope length variation across the pitch range. Minus
(“-”) settings produce the opposite effect — a shorter low-note envelope and
longer high-note envelope. A setting of “+0” results in no envelope length
The illustrations here are not available.