● The Meas, Beat, and Clock Parameters
These three parameters are common to all the displays described above. In
addition to indicating the location of the current event, they can be edited to
move the event as required:
• The “Meas” parameter, edited via [CS2], indicates the number of the cur-
rent measure. Range: 001 … 999. The length of each measure depends on
the time signature of the song.
• The “Beat” parameter, edited via [CS3], indicates the current beat within
the current measure. The value of each beat and the number of beats in
each measure depend on the selected time signature. If the time signature is
4/4, for example, each beat will equal one quarter-note, and there will be
four beats per measure. If the time signature is 6/8, however, each beat will
equal an eighth-note, and there will be six beats per measure.
• The “Clock” parameter, edited via [CS4], indicates the current clock within
the current beat within the current measure. There are 48 clocks per quarter
note, 24 per eighth note, 12 per sixteenth note, and so on.
If the “Top of Track”, “Measure Bar”, or “End of Track” display is show-
ing, changing these parameters and pressing the [ENTER/YES] key takes you
directly to the specified location.
■ THE INSERT MODE (Tracks 1 … 8)
Insert edit (INS) allows note, control change, program change, pitch bend, and
aftertouch events to be inserted at any point in the sequencer tracks.
Normally, the insert mode is entered by pressing the [F1] key after locating the
desired insert point in the change mode. The type of event to be inserted can then be
selected by pressing the [F8] key until the desired event appears on the display
(“NOTE” = note; “CTRL” = control change; “PGM” = program change; “PB” = pitch
bend; “AT” = aftertouch). The various event types have the same parameters and
ranges as in the change mode (see above). Set the parameters for the selected event
as required, then press the [ENTER/YES] key to insert the event.
The insert location can be changed while in the insert mode by using the data
entry dial. The [F3] key determines whether the dial changes the measure (“MEAS”),
beat (“BEAT”), or clock (“CLOCK”) value.
Press the [F1] key to return to the change mode, or the [EXIT/NO] key to return
to the song play mode.