Coff (Filter cutoff frequency)
Range: -127 … +127
Controls: [CS6], [-1] [+1], Dial
Modifies the filter cutoff frequency (this corresponds to the voice filter
“CutOff” parameter — see page 65). Plus (+) values increase the cutoff fre-
quency while minus (-) values lower the cutoff frequency. This parameter
cannot be used if the filter is set to “Thru”. In this case “----” appears in place
of the parameter value.
No matter how much offset is applied, the minimum and maximum cutoff
frequency values cannot be exceeded.
Reso (Filter resonance)
Range: -99 … +99
Controls: [CS7], [-1] [+1], Dial
Modifies the height of the filter’s resonant peak (this corresponds to the
filter “Resonance” parameter — see page 68). Plus (+) values increase reso-
nance while minus (-) values reduce resonance. This parameter cannot be used
if the filter is
not set to “LPF”. In this case “---” appears in place of the pa-
rameter value.
No matter how much offset is applied, the minimum and maximum reso-
nance values cannot be exceeded.
Vel (Velocity sensitivity)
Range: -127 ... +127
Controls: [CS8], [-1] [+1], Dial
Modifies the filter velocity sensitivity setting (see page 72). Plus “+” set-
tings increase sensitivity while minus “-” settings reduce sensitivity.
No matter how much offset is applied, the minimum and maximum velocity
values cannot be exceeded.