The envelope begins at zero level, reaches maximum level at the rate deter-
mined by the R1 parameter, moves to L2 (Level 2) at R2 (Rate 2), moves on
to L3 (Level 3) at R3 (Rate 3), and finally decays to zero level at R4 (Rate 4)
if the note is held the entire time.
If the note is released before the end of the envelope described above, then
the sound decays to zero level from the point at which the note is released at
the rate determined by the RR (Release Rate) parameter.
● “Hld” Mode
If the “hold” mode is selected, the envelope begins immediately from maxi-
mum AWM level, allowing the fast attack transients of waveforms to pass
unaffected. In this case the R1 parameter is replaced by the HT (Hold Time)
parameter. The HT parameter determines the length of time between the begin-
ning of the envelope and the point at which the envelope begins to move
towards L2 (Level 2) at R2 (Rate 2), as shown below.
For the level parameters, a setting of “0” corresponds to the lowest possible
level (no sound) while a setting of 63 produces the highest output level. A “0”
rate parameter setting produces the slowest rate between levels, while the
maximum setting of “63” produces the fastest (almost instantaneous) change.
VOICE EDIT MOD E / 2:Amplitude EG
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