
Digital I/O, Setup, and Utilities 201
02R User’s Guide
Preferences 2
Shown below is the SETUP 4/4 page—Preferences 2.
MIX Update Confirmation—With this option checked, a confirmation
dialog box appears after performing an automix edit asking whether or
not you want to keep the new edit, thereby updating the automix.
REC Recall Safe Faders—With this option checked, you can record
fader movements even though the faders are set to Recall Safe.
Fader Flip Recall Safe—With this option checked, the [FLIP] button is
not affected when a mix scene is recalled.
Touch Sense Select—With this option checked, adjusting a fader or
rotary encoder displays the corresponding page, or selects the channel,
allowing for quick operation.
Touch Sense Edit—With this option checked and the FADER
Overwrite option on the AUTOMIX 1/7 page checked, simply moving
a fader during automix recording automatically selects that fader for
recording. You may find this more convenient than using the [SEL]
buttons to select faders. Be careful, however, because if an Overwrite
parameter other than FADER is selected, because data recorded before
the edit start point will be deleted.
Auto EQ Edit In—With this option checked, adjusting the EQ affects
only the selected band. For example, adjusting the HIGH EQ does not
affect the LOW EQ.
Restore Last Edit Ch—With this option checked, the channel edited
last is automatically selected for subsequent edits. In Rec Ready mode,
the last channel edited is selected for subsequent edits. In Auto Rec
mode, selecting one of the last channels edited automatically selects all
the channels that were edited last for subsequent edits.
Surround X, Y Edit—With this option checked, surround pan X and Y
movements can be recorded in an automix. The Extract, Copy, and
Move functions on the AUTOMIX 4/7 page only affect the X and Y
data when this box is checked.
Surround CSR Edit—With this option checked, surround pan CSR
movements can be recorded in an automix. The Extract, Copy, and
Move functions on the AUTOMIX 4/7 page only affect the CSR data
when this box is checked.