MIDI 163
02R User’s Guide
Fader Start
When the Fader Start preference is checked (“Preferences” on page 198), a
MIDI Note On message (velocity 127) is transmitted when a fader is raised
from infinity (oo). When the fader is moved back to infinity, a
corresponding MIDI Note Off message (velocity 0) is transmitted. This can
be used in conjunction with a “MIDI to trigger” interface box to
automatically start CD players, tape decks, etc. This function is intended
for use with stereo sound sources. That’s why only the odd-numbered
channels 9, 11, 13, and 15 cause a MIDI Note on message to be transmitted.
Paired mono input channels 9 to 16 and the stereo channels 17 to 24
provide up to eight stereo pairs for use with Fader Start. MIDI Note
messages are transmitted on the Transmit Channel set on the MIDI 1/5
page. MIDI Note On Messages are of the format 9n, kk, vv. Where kk is the
note number and vv is the velocity.
Note Number
Decimal Hex
MIC9 37 25h
MIC11 38 26h
MIC13 39 27h
MIC15 40 28h
LINE17/18 41 29h
LINE19/20 42 2Ah
LINE21/22 43 2Bh
LINE23/24 44 2Ch