Dynamics 91
02R User’s Guide
7 A.Dr.SN "GAT Gate
Threshold (dB) –8 Gate for the same purpose as
program 5.
Range (dB) –23
Attack (ms) 1
Hold (ms) 0.63
Decay (ms) 238
8 A.Dr.SN "CPS CompanderS
Threshold (dB) –8 Soft compander for the same
purpose as program 5.
Ratio ( :1) 1.7
Attack (ms) 11
Outgain (dB) 0.0
Width (dB) 10
Release (ms) 128
9 A.Dr.Tom "EXP Expander
Threshold (dB) –20 Expander for acoustic toms
automatically reduces the volume
when the toms are not played,
helping to differentiate the bass
and snare drums clearly.
Ratio ( :1) 2
Attack (ms) 2
Outgain (dB) 5.0
Knee 2
Release (ms) 749
10 A.Dr.OverTop "CPS CompanderS
Threshold (dB) –24 Soft compander to emphasize
the attack and ambience of
cymbals using overhead
microphones. It automatically
reduces the volume when the
cymbals are not played, helping
differentiate the bass and snare
drums clearly
Ratio ( :1) 2
Attack (ms) 38
Outgain (dB) –3.5
Width (dB) 54
Release (ms) 842
11 E.B.finger "CMP Compressor
Threshold (dB) –12 Compressor to equalize the attack
and volume level of a finger-picked
electric bass guitar.
Ratio ( :1) 2
Attack (ms) 15
Outgain (dB) 4.5
Knee 2
Release (ms) 470
12 E.B.slap "CMP Compressor
Threshold (dB) –12 Compressor to equalize the attack
and volume level of a slap electric
bass guitar
Ratio ( :1) 1.7
Attack (ms) 6
Outgain (dB) 4.0
Knee hard
Release (ms) 133
13 Syn.Bass "CMP Compressor
Threshold (dB) –10 Compressor to adjust and/or
emphasize the level of a synth
Ratio ( :1) 3.5
Attack (ms) 9
Outgain (dB) 3.0
Knee hard
Release (ms) 250
No. Name Type Parameter Value Description