[F4]: FILT (Filter)
The Filter parameters configure the filter setting which
can be applied to each element to change the timbre of
the sound. There are five menus available.
[F4]: SCF (Static Control Filter)
[F5]: DCF (Dynamic Control Filter)
[F6]: SENS (Sensitivity)
[F8]: EG (Envelope Generator)
[F4]: SCF (Static Control Filter)
Sets up the parameters for the Static Control Filter. The
SCF has various types of filters that pass a specific
frequency bandwidth while filtering out other
frequencies. A different filtration can be set for each
The EX5/5R/7 has two other filters that make it possible
to create a wide range of sounds. These are two sets of
DCF (Dynamic Control Filter) filters. For information, see
page 91.
■ Type
Selects the type of filter. The parameters available
depend on the selected filter type.
❏ Settings: L/H Shelf (Low/High Shelving Filter), 2L Shelf
(2-Low Shelving Filter), 2H Shelf (2-High
Shelving Filter), LPF (Low Pass Filter), HPF
(High Pass Filter), BPF (Band Pass Filter),
InvertLPF (Inverted Low Pass Filter), PEQ
(Parametric Equalizer), thru, boost
■ Input Gain
Sets the gain of the signal that is sent to the SCF
(Static Control Filter) unit. The higher the value, the
more the amount of gain of the input signal.
❏ Settings: –32~+0
Input Gain is not available with the following types: thru,
boost 6dB/12dB/18dB. Input Gain is common for the all
types except for the above four.
The available filter types and associated parameters are
explained below.
L/H Shelf (Low/High Shelving Filter)
A shelving type filter that can increase or decrease the
signal level in both the high and low frequency ranges.
■ High Freq (High Frequency)
Sets the high frequency shelving point. Use High
Gain (see below) to increase or decrease the signal
level above the specified point.
❏ Settings: 131~241
■ Low Freq (Low Frequency)
Sets the low frequency shelving point. Use Low Gain
(see below) to increase or decrease the signal level
below the specified point.
❏ Settings: 46~182
■ High/Low Freq Vel (High/Low Frequency
Sets the velocity sensitivity for the frequency ranges
specified by the High Freq and Low Freq. When
High/Low Freq Vel is set to a positive value, the
harder a note is played on the keyboard, the higher
the frequencies of the High Freq and Low Freq. This
creates a greater change in the timbre of the sound.
Negative values will have the opposite effect.
❏ Settings: –7~+7
■ High/Low Gain
Sets the signal level for the frequencies passing above
the High Freq point and for those passing below the
High Freq point.
❏ Settings: –32~0~+32
Low Freg High Freg
Voice/E.qx 5/21/98 11:30 AM Page 86