[F3]: JOB2
Press [F3] (JOB2) and JOB2 menu will be displayed.
There are eight jobs that are executed in measure units.
1. Copy Measure (Copies data in the designated range.)
2. Erase Measure (Erases data in the designated range.)
3. Create Measure (Inserts empty measures in all tracks.)
4. Delete Measure (Deletes specified measures from all
5. Thin Out (Reduces data such as controller data.)
6. Extract (Extracts specific data from the designated
7. Chord Sort (Sorts chordal note events, by pitch, over a
designated range of a track.)
8. Chord Separate (Arranges chord notes in order with a
specified interval.)
1. Copy Measure
This job copies all data from a specified range on a
track onto another. It is possible to move data within
the same track. This operation overwrites any data
already existing on the destination track.
■ Src Track (source track)
Sets the source track that will be copied.
❏ Settings: 1~16 (Sequence tracks 1~16), ptn (Pattern
track), pfx (Pattern Play Effect track), tempo, all
(All tracks)
As for ptn (Pattern track), pfx (Pattern Play Effect track),
tempo, and all (all tracks), the destination track can only
copy from a source track that is the same as the
destination. When “ptn,” “pfx,” “tempo,” or “all” is
selected the destination track automatically changes to
match the selection.
■ Src Meas (Source Measure)
Sets the range (the beginning measure and the end
measure) in the source track.
❏ Settings: 001~999 (for the beginning measure and the
end measure)
■ Dst Track (Destination Track)
Sets the destination track that will be copied to.
❏ Settings: 1~16 (Sequence tracks 1~16), ptn (Pattern
track), pfx (Pattern Play Effect track), tempo, all
(All tracks)
■ Dst Meas (Destination Measure)
Sets the first destination measure (the measure
where copying will begin) that will be copied to.
❏ Settings: 001~999
■ Times
Sets the number of times copy will take place.
❏ Settings: 01~99
2. Erase Measure
This job erases all data from a specified range on a
track. Even though the data is erased the empty
measures still remain.
■ Track
Sets the track where Erase Measure will be executed.
❏ Settings: 1~16 (Sequence tracks 1~16), ptn (Pattern
track), pfx (Pattern Play Effect track), tempo
■ Measure
Sets the measure range (beginning measure to the
end measure) where Erase Measure is executed.
❏ Settings: 001~999 (for the beginning measure and the
end measure)
3. Create Measure
This job inserts one or more empty measures onto all
tracks (Sequence tracks 1~16, Pattern, Pattern Play
Effect, and Tempo tracks) at the same time.
Song/E/qx 5/21/98 11:41 AM Page 209