
Song Mode
[F4]: TEMPO (Tempo Track)
When editing the Tempo Track, you can insert tempo
data (tempo changes) as well as change the location
and value of the current tempo data. Press [F4]
(TEMPO) to display the Tempo Track Event List. [F5]
INS (Insert) and [F6] CHNG (Change) functions are
added to the menu. Also [F8] DEL (Delete) is added for
deleting data.
1 Measure: 1~999
2 Timing: 1~16
3 Clock: 000~479
4 Value: 30.0~250.0
Inserting Tempo Data
The basic operations are the same as those for inserting
Sequence Tracks. Press [F4] (TEMPO) to select the
Tempo track, and execute insertions.
Changing Tempo Data
The basic operations are the same as those for changing
Sequence Tracks. Press [F4] (PTN) to select the Tempo
track, and execute changes.
Deleting Tempo Data
The basic operations are the same as those for deleting
Sequence Tracks. Press [F4] (TEMPO) to select the
Tempo track, and execute deletions.
231 4
Song Job Mode
Here are various jobs for songs that were created in
Song Edit mode (or are being edited). These jobs which
allow you to copy or erase, as well as many other
operations, are executed by a measure or a track.
[F2]: JOB1
[F3]: JOB2
[F4]: JOB3
F2 F3 F4 F7
------[F2:JOB1] ..............................................................207
------[Clear Song] ................................................207
------[Copy Track] ..............................................208
------[Clear Track]..............................................208
------[Mix Track] ................................................208
------[Normalize Effect] ....................................208
------[Time Stretch] ............................................208
------[F3:JOB2] ..............................................................209
------[Copy Measure]..........................................209
------[Erace Measure] ........................................209
------[Create Measure] ......................................209
------[Delete Measure]........................................210
------[Thin Out] ..................................................210
------[Extract] ......................................................210
------[Chord Sort]................................................211
------[Chord Sparate]..........................................211
------[F4:JOB3] ..............................................................212
------[Quantize] ..................................................212
------[Move Clock] ..............................................214
------[Modify GateTime]....................................215
------[Modify Velocity] ......................................216
------[Transpose] ................................................217
------[Shift Note] ................................................217
------[Crescendo] ................................................217
------[Shift Event] ..............................................218
------[F7:UNDO] ..............................................................218
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