[F1]: SONG
These are various settings related to song recording,
such as selecting a track for recording, and setting the
time signature and tempo. In addition to those settings,
there are Mute on/off, Play Effect on/off and Loop
playback for each of the playback tracks (tracks 1~16,
Pt track, Fx track).
Many of the parameters here are found in Song Play
mode (page 185). Only the parameters that differ from
those described in Song Play mode will be explained.
■ Meas(Measure)
Set the measure where recording will begin. The
Beat number is also displayed but cannot be
❏ Settings: 001~999
The sequencer [REW] and [FWD] keys can also be used
for rewinding and fast forwarding, and [TOP] key
returns you to the first measure of the song.
■ Time Signature
Sets the time signature for a song.
❏ Settings:1/4~8/4, 1/8~16/8, 1/16~16/16
The time signature data is recorded on the pattern
track. You can change the time signature of the entire
song, or in the middle even after recording.
When PNCH (Punch In) is selected in Song Record
mode, the parameter “Loop” will change to “Rec
From-To” parameter.
■ Rec From-To
Sets the measures where Punch In recording will
begin and end. Available and displayed only when
the PNCH (Punch In) is selected.
❏ Settings: 001~999 for both From and To.
F1 F2 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8
■ Track
Selects the track for recording. Tracks 1~16 can
also be selected using the TRACK [1~16](EX5/7
❏ Settings: Tr1~16(tracks1~16), Pattern(Pattern track),
PFX(Pattern Play Effects track), Tempo(Tempo
Pattern track, Play Effects track, and Tracks 1~16 are
all positioned in the same line at the top of the screen.
Depending on the track selected, the following
parameters will be added.
For Tracks 1~16
■ Src(Source)
Selects the recording source: the performance data
played on the keyboard (normal) or the arpeggiated
chord data created by the Arpeggiator (Arpeggio).
When a track other than the Tr1~16 (tracks 1~16) is
selected, [F2] (PFX), [F4] (MULTI) and [F5] (STEP)
cannot be selected.
❏ Settings: normal, arpeggio
For information on recording tracks 1~16, see page
For Pattern Track
■ Ptn No (Pattern Number)
Selects the pattern that will be recorded at the
currently selected measure into the Pattern track.
❏ Settings: off, 01~50, end (the location where the song
For information on recording Pattern track, see page
Song/E/qx 5/21/98 11:40 AM Page 194