Step 6: Connecting Loads
M370078-01 2-11
Inductive Loads and Batteries
The diode must have a voltage rating at least 20% greater than the power
supply's output voltage and have a current rating greater than or equal to
the power supply's output rating. Connect the cathode to the positive
output and the anode to the return.
Where positive load transients such as back EMF from a motor may
ocAMPS, connect a Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS) or a varistor
across the output to protect the power supply. The breakdown voltage
rating for the TVS or varistor must be approximately 10% higher than the
rated supply output.
For a detailed Application Note, please go to:
www.programmablepower.com and click SUPPORT.
The XG power supply requires freewheeling and blocking diodes across the
output while driving inductive loads or batteries to protect the power supply from
damage caused by power being fed back into the supply and from high voltage
Figure 2-2
Diode Placement