
C-4 M370078-01
Remote Operation
Table C-2
Remote Operation
Programming Mode APG ISOL Digital
Voltage and Current Output Voltage Programming 0–100%. Voltage control range is 0.0 to 2.0-10.0V in 0.1V increments.
Votage and Current Output Resistive Programming 0-100%. Resistive control range is 0.0 to 2.0 - 10.0K in 0.1K increments.
Output Voltage and Current Monitor 0-100%. Output voltage monitor range is 0.0 to 2.0 - 10.0V in 0.1V increments.
Voltage Programming Accuracy
1.Typical APG or isolated APG accuracy can be improved to max accuracy by user calibration at the specific range selected.
± 0.5% of rated output voltage, max. (0 to 4.0V / 4K Ohm range)
± 0.5% of rated output voltage, typical in other ranges
±0.1% of rated output voltage
Current Programming Accuracy
± 1.0% of rated output current, max. (0 to 4.0V / 4K Ohm range)
± 1.0% of rated output current, typical in other ranges
±0.2% of rated output current
Voltage Readback Accuracy ± 1% of rated output voltage ±0.1% of rated output voltage
Current Readback Accuracy ± 1% of rated output current ±0.2% of rated output current
Isolation (Prog and Readback Lines) With respect to chassis potential:
With respect to:
chassis potential: 500 V.
negative or positive main output: 1500 V.
Parallel Operation Up to 4 units in master/slave mode
Series Operation Up to 2 units (with external
Constant Voltage (CV)/Constant Current (CC) Indicator CV: TTL High (4–5 V)
CC: TTL Low (0–0.6 V)
Shutdown Control
2.The shutdown input has user selectable negative logic operation via front panel or remote digital input/output.
Logic low 0.0 - 1.4V
Logic high 2.0 - 15V
Dry contact compatible
OUTPUT ENABLE Auxiliary Control TTL level or dry contact compatible
Power Supply Status Signal TTL high: OK (4–5 V)
TTL low: fail (0–0.6 V)
Interlock Enable/Disable Dry contact. Open/Short: On or Off,