Remote Operation
5-28 M370078-01
Status Byte
The Status byte register contains the STB and RQS (MSS) messages as
defined in 488.1. You can read the status byte register using a 488.1 serial
poll or the 488.2 *STB? common command.
The *STB? query causes the device to send the contents of the Status
Byte Register and the Master Summary Status (MSS) summary message.
The *STB? query does not alter the status byte, MSS, or RQS.
Error/Event Queue (ERR)
This bit is TRUE if any errors are present in the Error/Event Queue.
Questionable Status Register Summary (QSR)
This bit is TRUE when a bit in the Questionable Event Status Register is
set and its corresponding bit in the Questionable Status Enable Register is
Table 5-9
Status Byte Summary Register
Bit Bit
Bit Name Description
0 1 Reserved Reserved
1 2 Reserved Reserved
2 4 Error/Event Queue
Set if any errors are present in the Error/Event queue.
3 8 Questionable Status
Register (QSR)
Set if any bits are set in the Questionable Status Event
4 16 Message Available
Indicates whether the output queue is empty. MAV is
TRUE if the device is ready to accept a request from the
5 32 Standard Event Status
Bit Summary (ESB)
A summary of the Standard Event Status Register.
6 64 Request Service (RQS) /
Master Status Summary
Not Implemented / MSS indicates that the device has at
least one reason for requesting service.
7 128 Operation Status
Register (OSR)
Present if a bit is set in the Operation status register.