Status Byte
M370078-01 5-33
Operation Complete
The Operation Complete command causes the power supply to generate
the operation complete message in the Standard Event Status Register
when all pending operations have been finished. See bit 0 in
Table 5-10
for more details.
Wait-to-Continue Command
The Wait-to-Continue command prevents the power supply from
executing any further commands or queries until the no-operation-
pending flag is TRUE.
5 32 Command Error (CME) Set if an IEEE488.2 syntax error has been detected
by the parser, an unrecognized header was received,
or a group Execute Trigger was entered into the
input buffer inside an IEEE 488.2 program message.
See “Command Error List” on page B–3 for a list of
possible error codes and descriptions.
6 64 User Request (URQ) Not Implemented
7 128 Power ON (PON) Not Implemented
8–15 N/A Reserved Reserved for possible future use by IEEE.
Bit values are reported as zero.
Table 5-10
Standard Event Status Register
Bit Bit Weight Bit Name Description