Appendix E. Rack Mounting
The MPC offers a variety of different mounting options to allow the unit to be easily
mounted in almost any equipment rack available. In addition to the standard "L"
brackets included with all units, MPC-20V series units can also be mounted using
mounting buttons, "Hook" Brackets for Dell™ style racks or Zero-U Pocket Brackets for
style racks or any rack that features a "pocket" or channel for Zero Unit mounting.
E.1. "L" Bracket Mounting
The standard "L" brackets, included with the unit, can be used to mount all MPC-8H,
MPC-18H, MPC-16H or MPC-20V series units in most standard equipment racks.
The "L" brackets allow horizontal format MPC-H units to be mounted facing forward or
facing backward or mounted in the front of the rack or rear of the rack. When the "L"
brackets are used with the vertical format MPC-20V, units can also be mounted facing
either side of the rack.
1. Attaching the Brackets to the MPC: First determine which direction the MPC will
face after mounting, and then secure the "L" Brackets to the MPC accordingly, using
the screws provided with the mounting brackets.
a) MPC-8H & MPC-18H Series (Horizontal) Units: Each end of the unit has
four screw holes that are used for mounting the "L" brackets to the MPC. The
"L" brackets can either be mounted facing the front of the unit or the rear of the
unit, using the same four holes. Use four screws (supplied with the bracket) to
secure each bracket to the MPC.
b) MPC-16H Series (Horizontal) Units: Each end of the unit has eight screw
holes; four screw holes for front mounting, and four screw holes for rear
mounting. Use four screws (supplied with the bracket) to secure an "L" bracket
to each side of the unit. If the front of the MPC unit will face outwards, use the
front four holes; if the back of the MPC unit will face outward, use the rear four
c) MPC-20V Series (Vertical) Units: The "L" brackets can either be attached to
the back or side of the unit, and the unit can also be installed to face the front,
rear, or either side of the equipment rack. Each end of the MPC features seven
screw holes for attaching the brackets, this allows you to mount the brackets
on either side of the unit, and in one of two possible positions on the back.
When mounting the brackets on the back of the unit, use screw holes 1 and 2
or 2 and 3 as shown in Figure E.1. Use two screws (supplied with the bracket)
to secure one bracket to the top of the MPC and the second bracket to the
bottom of the MPC.