9.2. Operation via the Text Interface
When using the Text Interface, all switching functions are performed by invoking simple,
ASCII commands. ASCII commands are also used to display status screens and to log
out of command mode. The Text Interface includes a Help Menu, which summarizes all
available MPC commands. To display the Text Interface Help Menu (Figure 9.1), type /H
and press [Enter].
Note: When the Help Menu is displayed by a SuperUser, User or ViewOnly
level account, the screen will not include commands that are only available to
Administrator level accounts.
9.2.1. The Plug Status Screen - Text Interface
When you login to the MPC command mode via the Text Interface, the first screen
displayed after login is the Plug Status Screen. The Plug Status Screen lists the current
status of the MPC’s Switched AC Outlets and displays the currently defined Site I.D.
Normally, the Plug Status Screen will also be re-displayed each time a command
is successfully executed. Note however, that if desired, the Automated Mode (See
Section 9.3) can be enabled to suppress the display of the Plug Status Screen after
each command.
COMMAND MENU: Version 1.50E
/S Plug Status /F System Parameters
/SG Plug Group Status /P [AUX] Port Parameters
/SN Network Status /PL [n] Plug Parameters
/H Command Menu (Help) /G Plug Grouping Parameters
/L Log /N Network Configuration
/M Current Metering /RB Reboot Options
/J [*] Site ID /AC Alarm Configuration
/I Reboot System
CONTROL /UF Upgrade Firmware
<Enter> Enter Command Mode /TEST Test Network Options
/X Exit Command Mode +-------------------------------+
/BOOT <n> Boot Plug n | n Plug# or name |
/ON <n> Turn on Plug n | n:n = plug n through plug n |
/OFF <n> Turn off Plug n | n+n = plug n and plug n |
/DPL Default all plugs | k Key type (1-3) |
/U Send Parameter File | * “all” |
/K <k> Send SSH Keys | <> Required entry |
/UL Unlock (Invalid Access) | [] Optional entry |
| , Link multiple plug commands|
Add ,Y to bypass “Sure?” +-------------------------------+
Figure 9.1: The Help Menu (Administrator Mode; Text Interface)