2. Switch a Series of Plugs: To apply a command to a series of plugs, enter the
alphanumeric number for the plugs that mark the beginning and end of the series,
separated by a colon.
a) Switch a Series of Plugs on Local Unit: When switching a series of plugs
on your local MPC unit, simply enter the numbers for the plugs that mark the
beginning and end of the series, separated by a colon. For example to switch
On plugs A1 through A4 on your local MPC unit, enter the following:
/ON A1:A4 [Enter]
b) Switch a Series Plugs on AUX/Remote Units: If optional AUX/Remote units
are connected to your Local unit, use the same command format described
above for the Local Unit, except pair each plug number with the AUX port
where the plug resides. For example, to switch On plugs A1 through A4 on the
AUX 2 unit, enter the following:
/ON AUX2 A1:A4 [Enter]
Note: Enter a space to separate the AUX parameter from the Plug numbers.
c) Switch a Series of Plugs on Both Local and AUX Units: Use the same
command format described above for AUX units. However, note that in the
case of the Local MPC unit, it is not necessary to enter the AUX argument. For
example, to switch On Plugs A1 through A3 on your Local MPC unit, and Plugs
A2 through A4 on the AUX1 unit, enter either of the following command lines:
/ON A1:A3+AUX1 A2:A4 [Enter]
/ON A1:A3,AUX1 A2:A4 [Enter]
Note: Enter a space to separate the AUX parameter from the Plug number.
4. All Plugs: To apply a command to all plugs, enter an asterisk in place of the name
or number. For example, to Boot all plugs, enter the following:
/BO * [Enter]
• When this command is invoked by a User level account, it will only be
applied to the plugs that are specifically allowed for that account.
• If your local MPC unit is connected to one or more AUX/Remote units,
commands that include the asterisk character will also be applied to all
permitted plugs on the AUX/Remote units.