Command Reference Guide
/AC Alarm Configuration Parameters
Displays a menu that is used to configure and enable the Over Current Alarms, Over
Temperature Alarms, Circuit Breaker Open Alarm, Lost Communication with AUX Units
Alarm, Lost Voltage Alarm, Ping-No-Answer Alarm, and the Invalid Access Lockout
Alarm. When properly configured, the Over Current Alarms and Over Temperature
Alarms offer the option of "Load Shedding", which allows the unit to automatically switch
Off user-specified non-essential outlets when temperature or current readings exceed
user-defined values. For more information on Alarm Configuration, please refer to
Section 7.
Availability: Administrator
/AC [Enter]
/I Reboot System (Default)
Reinitializes the MPC unit and offers the option to keep user-defined parameters or reset
to default parameters. As described in Section 5.10.1, the /I command can also be used
to restore the unit to previously saved parameters. When the /I command is invoked,
the unit will offer the following reboot options:
• Unit to Reboot
• Reboot Only (Do NOT default parameters)
• Reboot & Default (Keep IP Parameters & SSH Keys; Default all other parameters)
• Reboot & Default (Default ALL parameters)
• Reboot & Restore Last Known Working Configuration
• Restore Last Known Working Configuration
Note: When optional AUX/Remote MPC units have been connected to the AUX
ports on your local MPC unit, the "Unit to Reboot" option allows you to specify
which unit will be rebooted. When this option is selected, the MPC will display
an additional submenu, which allows you to select the local unit, any of the AUX
MPC units, or all connected MPC units.
Availability: Administrator
/I [Enter]