TANDBERG Content Server printable online help 87
interface for Windows Server administration: go
to Maintenance > Shutdown > Restart.
Error: The Content Server is out of disk space -
less than 5% disk space remains free on the C:
or E: drive, or on the network attached storage
(NAS), or the Content Server has lost
connection to the NAS. Current calls are
dropped, and new calls or offline transcoding
jobs are not accepted. To exit Error mode, free
up disk space, or, if the storage location is on a
NAS (see below), check the NAS, the share
permissions and the network. For more
information, see Storing recordings.
The current Content Engine service
A means that the service is running. If the
service is not running, a is displayed with the
last time and date that the service contacted the
The current Transcode Engine
service status.
A pictorial representation of the
number of current calls.
An orange bar represents a call with live
streaming outputs.
A brown bar represents a call with on demand
outputs only.
A list of active conferences is
displayed when there are live calls.
Click on a conference name to display the Edit
conference page for that conference.
Whether the Content Server is
currently transcoding.
or No.
If the Content Server is currently transcoding,
the Transcoding job list displays a list of
conference names that are currently being
transcoded, the outputs being produced and the
percentage complete.
The list of conferences currently
being transcoded is displayed when
processing occurs.
Shows the outputs being produced and the
percentage completed. Click on a conference
name to display the Edit conference page for
that conference.
Click to terminate all current calls.
The End all calls button is displayed when there
are live calls.
Content Server information
The Content Server's IP address.
The Content Server's serial number.
This is used to generate keys required to
upgrade the Content Server.
The currently installed software
This is also displayed at the bottom of every
The option keys and a description of
what they allow.
To install new option keys see below.