One of:
Allow access to all users, including
guests: If Allow guest access is selected
in Site settings, this field is displayed. If
selected, all users including guests can
view the conference.
Allow access to all authenticated users:
If Allow guest access is not selected in
Site settings, this field is displayed. If
selected, all authenticated (logged in)
users can view the conference.
Allow access to only these
authenticated groups and users: If
selected then only groups or users entered
in the field below can view the conference.
Enter all or part of the name or display
name of the group or user - either one per
line or separated by a semicolon. If only
part of a group or user name has been
entered, then clicking Check access list
or Place call adds all matching groups
and users to the list.
Note: After clicking Check access lists or
Place call , the users entered will have the
following formats:
o Local authentication mode:
o Domain authentication mode:
DOMAINNAME (optional)\
o LDAP authentication mode:
All groups will be in the format
where the group name is expanded to the