TANDBERG Content Server printable online help 7
Supported browsers, plugins & platforms
TANDBERG recommends that you use software mentioned on this page to ensure that you can
watch/stream conferences successfully.
Supported browsers
Ensure that you have JavaScript, ActiveX and media plugins enabled in your browser.
The Conference play properties check determines the conference formats that you can watch on your
computer and displays this information in your Preferences. If you have installed/uninstalled a plugin,
but the Content Server has not been automatically updated, go to Preferences and click Recheck
Mozilla Firefox 2 and higher
Yes (Silverlight) 2.0 or
Yes (Silverlight) 2.0 or
Mozilla Firefox 2 and higher
Internet Explorer 6 and
* (i) Microsoft Silverlight plugin for MacOS is available as a free download at the time of publishing
from http://silverlight.net/
(ii) The Content Editor is not available on Apple Macintosh computers using Silverlight for
conferences in Windows Media format.
** The following Microsoft Windows Media Player is required to display movies in Windows Media ®
WMV format in Mozilla Firefox, and is available as a free download at the time of publishing from
Recommended player versions
Windows: Windows Media Player 9.x or higher
Mac OS 10.5 or higher: Silverlight 2.0 or higher