TANDBERG Content Server printable online help 62
A descriptive name for the
Media server configuration.
The name will be used in the Template and
Manage outputs pages when selecting a
Media server configuration. This is a
required field.
Support live unicast
Whether the server is to
support live unicast streaming
and to display the Live unicast
streaming settings section.
If selected, enter the Server address.
Unicast connections are one-to one
connections between each Windows Media
Player client and the server: therefore, each
unicast client that connects to the server
takes up additional bandwidth.
Support live
multicast streaming
Whether the server is to
support live multicast streaming
and to display the Live
multicast streaming settings
section. If you select this
option, the Unicast and On
Demand options are
unavailable: you cannot create
a multicast and on demand
streaming server as one Media
server configuration.
If selected, enter the Server address. In
multicast delivery, the server sends only
one stream which reaches all player clients
simultaneously. There is no additional
overhead for the server regardless of
whether one or more clients are connected.
Multicast delivery is generally used for
broadcasting live streams on a corporate
network and only works if all routers on the
network are multicast enabled.
Whether the server is to
support on demand streaming
and to display the Live on
demand settings section.
If selected, enter the Server address.
The IP address or DNS name
of the server.
Live unicast streaming settings
The user name to authenticate
to the streaming server.
The password used to
authenticate to the streaming
Select to push the live stream
to the streaming server.
If selected, complete the other fields in this
The HTTP port of the streaming
server. If you are using the
Content Server' s Windows
Media Streaming Server, the
port is 8080.
Publishing points:
Create new
Select to have the Content
Server create new publishing
points on the streaming server.
A publishing point is the means by which
media is distributed from the Windows
Media streaming server.
Publishing points:
Create new using
settings from
Select to have the Content
Server create new publishing
points on the streaming server,