4-60 TimeVault™ User’s Manual 6000-100Ch4.fm Rev. D
Chapter 4: Serial or Telnet I/O Functions Extended Function Commands
4.4.1 F100 BASET – 100 BASE-T/10 BASE-T Control
Use the BASET command to query the current Base-T setting. If you set the unit to
10Base-T, it operates only at that speed. If you set the unit to 100Base-T, it negotiates
between 10/100Base-T. This does not necessarily mean the unit will connect at
100Base-T, but will connect at the fastest possible speed. Any change to the current
Base-T setting causes the unit to reset.
To query the maximum Base-T speed, send the following command:
F = ASCII character F
100 = unit function number
<SP> = space
BASET = specify Base-T command
<Enter> = input line terminator
An example of the response is:
F100 BASET 100T
To set the maximum connection speed to 100Base-T, send the following command:
100 = set maximum Base-T speed to 100
To set the maximum connection speed to 10Base-T, send the following command:
10 = set maximum Base-T speed to 10
In both these cases, the unit responds:
Are you sure? (y/N)
As a safety feature, after sending this command, you have 10 seconds to respond
affirmatively (enter the letter “y”) to the confirmation prompt, after which the unit
executes the command and resets. Within that 10 second time period, any other response,
including no response, results in the unit canceling the command.
For details about an initial 100Base-T setting, see “NET Port Network Parameters: First
Time Configuration” on page 2-28.