6000-100Ch4.fm Rev. D TimeVault™ User’s Manual 4-53
Command List Chapter 4: Serial or Telnet I/O Functions
Function commands and unit responses contain common elements which are defined in
the following table:
Table 4-3: Definitions of Common Elements in Serial Commands and Responses
Element Definition
<CR><LF> Line terminator, a carriage return (0x0D) and line feed (0x0A)
<SP> One or more separator characters: either space (0x20), comma
(0x2C), or tab (0x09)
± Either no character, + (0x2B), or - (0x2D)
<HH> Two digit hour, 0-23
<MM> Two digit minutes, 0-59
<SS> Two digit seconds, 0-59
<yyyy> Four Digit Year, 0-9999
<dd> Two Digit Day of month, 1-31
<DDD> Three Digit Day of Year, 1-366
<mm> Two Digit Month, 1-12
<SOH> ASCII Start-of-Header character (HEX 01).
<mmm> Three Digit milliseconds