
6000-100Ch1.fm Rev. D TimeVault™ User’s Manual 1-5
Power Input Specifications Chapter 1: General Information
1.8 Power Input Specifications
The power input specifications of TimeVault are:
1.9 Certifications
1.10 Internal Timing Performance Specifications
The timing accuracy achievable with this product depends on several factors. The most
important is the method TimeVault employs to use the NTP information. It is widely
accepted that the uncertainty of any single NTP packet is on the order of 10 ms. However,
most NTP client programs perform averaging and filtering over several NTP transfers,
improving the accuracy and removing the systematic delays. The performance of the
various NTP clients varies widely, but some are able to achieve accuracies below 1 ms.
Inherent accuracy:
With GPS synchronization, approximately 125 µs (this accuracy exceeds that which
the NTP protocol delivers over a network)
With ACTS synchronization, 5 ms.
In this case, the system accuracy is limited to the accuracy of the ACTS input.
With NTP client mode synchronization, the accuracy of the client software is the
limiting factor in determining the delivered time accuracy.
Accuracy of packet delivery time to network jack: <0.5 ms
During a synchronization input outage, following initial synchronization of TimeVault to
its input synchronization sources, the time maintained in the unit diverges from the input
at the rate of approximately 6 parts in 10
, if the ambient temperature is maintained
within ± 3 °C.
Power Input
AC Mains:
(base model)
100 to 240 VAC, 47-440 Hz
IEC 320 Connector
–48 VDC
–36 to –60 VDC
4 position Barrier Strip Connection
Fuse: 1A Slow-Blow (rear panel)
Power Requirement: <20 W maximum
CE (applies to base model only)
UL (applies to base model only)
Network timing accuracy is limited to 1-10 ms typical.