4-54 TimeVault™ User’s Manual 6000-100Ch4.fm Rev. D
Chapter 4: Serial or Telnet I/O Functions Function Commands
4.3 Function Commands
4.3.1 F03 – Time and Date Request
Use Function F03 to request time and date. The response is UTC date and time.
To request TIME AND DATE, send the following command:
The unit responds:
F = ASCII character F
03 = function number
<SP> = space
<mm> = one- or two-digit month
/ = ASCII character slash
<dd> = one- or two-digit day
<yyyy> = four-digit year (if you manually entered this data)
<HH> = one- or two-digit hours
: = ASCII character for a colon
<MM> = two-digit minutes
<SS> = two-digit seconds
; = replacement character
<Enter> = input line terminator
<CR><LF> = output line terminator
Sample Entry: F03<Enter>
The response might be:
F03 UTC 01/07/1996 02:48:29<CR><LF>
4.3.2 F18 – Software Version Request
Use Version Request to query the software version number of the unit. The version
number is factory set and cannot be changed. This command is for backwards
compatibility and is identical to the F100 VER command (see page 4-66).