CGI Command Manual
[HTTP bit stream]
The following data shows the way to acquire the HTTP. When simply putting "GET /image...", "GET
/mpeg4..." or "GET /h264...", the camera will send the MPEG-4 or H.264 raw data as its response.
GET /image HTTP/1.0¥r¥n
User-Agent: xxxx¥r¥n
Accept: */*¥r¥n
Connection: Keep-Alive¥r¥n
MPEG-4 video request from a client application
HTTP/1.0 200 OK¥r¥n
Content-Type: video/mpeg¥r¥n
Cache-Control: no-cache¥r¥n
Pragma: no-cache¥r¥n
<MPEG-4 data>
The response of the camera which includes MPEG-4
bit stream
"Content-Type:" header will be set to "video/mpeg" when the video mode of the camera is MPEG-4
mode. "Content-Type:" header will be set to "video/h264" when the video mode of the camera is H.264
<MPEG-4 data>
<MPEG-4 data> is based on the standard of MPEG-4 and is in the form of raw data. And the <MPEG-4
data> includes so-called "user data" in each picture frame so that the receiver can make use of it.
[RTP (UDP) bit stream (unicast)]
You can get MPEG-4 (or H.264) bit stream by using RTP (Real-time transport protocol). HTTP is based
on the TCP, which will lead less throughput in several circumstances e.g. RTT (Round trip time) number
is rather large for the sake of network congestion. The following figure shows how the RTP bit stream
(unicast) will be acquired by a client application.