CGI Command Manual
DynamicRangeCompressor "on"/"off" camera camera.cgi 1.10 A dynamic range compression function is set up.
camera camera.cgi 1.00
Select the video codec. When two are set up at the same time, the first
Codec is set up in ImageCodec1, and the second is set up in
ImageCodec<codec> "jpeg"/"mpeg4"/"h264"/"off" camera camera.cgi 1.00
Select the video codec.
ImageCodec1 does not support "off".
AlmBufCodec "jpeg"/"mpeg4"/"h264" camera - 1.00
M4ImageSize "<horizontal pixel>,<mode>" camera camera.cgi 1.00
Image size of MPEG-4 streaming.
<horizontal pixel>: Refer to the note of the bottom for the image size
which can be set up.
<mode>: "0"-"2" (This value is ignored.)
JpImageSize "<horizontal pixel>" camera camera.cgi 1.00
Image size of Motion JPEG streaming. Refer to the note of the bottom
for the image size which can be set up.
ImageSize<codec> "<horizontal pixel>,<vertical pixel>" camera camera.cgi 1.00
Image size of Streaming. Refer to the note of the bottom for the image
size which can be set up.
"<upper left X>,<upper left
Y>,<lower right X>,<lower right Y>"
camera camera.cgi 1.00 The range of Cropping is set up. Refer to Appendix.
AreaSelect "on"/"off" camera camera.cgi 1.00 AreaSelect is made effective.
M4AreaSelect "on"/"off" camera - 1.00 This parameter does not effect into this camera.
JpAreaSelect "on"/"off" camera camera.cgi 1.00 To turn the cropping on JPEG on or off.
Multicast "on"/"off" camera camera.cgi 1.00 Turn multicast streaming on or off.
McAddress "<ip addr>" camera camera.cgi 1.00 Set multicast address.
McVideoPort "1024"to"65534" camera camera.cgi 1.00 Set the port number to use with multicast streaming of ImageCodec1.
McVideoPort<codec> "1024"to"65534" camera camera.cgi 1.00 Set the port number to use with multicast streaming.
McAudioPort "1024"to"65534" camera camera.cgi 1.00 Set the port number from which Audio sends in multicast streaming.