CGI Command Manual
Alarm<AO>Duration "0"to"300" system system.cgi 1.00 The time of the output of the alarm is set up.
VideoOutMode "ip" / "ntsc" / "pal" system system.cgi 1.00
Select video output mode. Only SNC-RH124/164,
SNC-DH140/140T/220/220T/240/240T/260/280 can be set up. "ip" or
"on" can be set up in these models. A state of output of the analog
video is returned with inquiry.
SNC-RH124/164:It is one of "ip"/"ntsc"/"pal".
SNC-RS44/46/84/86:It is "ntsc" or "pal" corresponding to the end
of the model name.
becomes "ip"/" ntsc"/" pal" corresponding to the set point of the
slide switch and VideoOutMode.
SNT-EX101/101E/104/154, SNT-EP104/154: It becomes "ntsc" or
"pal" corresponding to the connected camera.
NonVolatilizationLog "on"/"off" system system.cgi 1.00 Enable or disable non-volatile log.
ContinuousPanTiltZoomFunc "1"/"0" system - 1.00 It is the existence of the ContinuousPanTiltZoom function.
ContinuousPanTiltZoomInterval "<interval time>" system - 1.00
It is the shortest interval between a command to use
ContinuousPanTiltZoom command. (msec)
CameraControlInterface "serial"/"coaxitron" system system.cgi 1.00 It is the choice of the camera control interface.
HeaderLogoPicture "1"/"0" system - 1.00 This returns some/nothing (1/0) of the header logo image.
PowerSource "unkown"/"ac"/"dc"/"hpoe"/"poe" system - 1.10 The kind of the power supply is returned.
PowerControl "on"/"off" system system.cgi 1.2 Electric power is mediated with LLDP(Link Layer Discovery. Protocol).
EdgeStorageFunc "1"/"0" system - 1.10 Indicates the camera supports EdgeStorage function.
The command which can't be used in each model is shown in the following table.