CGI Command Manual
Request for motion image by 20 frames per second
GET /mjpeg?speed=20 HTTP/1.0¥r¥n
Request from motion image by 1 frame per second by using "interval" parameter
GET /mjpeg?interval=1000 HTTP/1.1¥r¥n
Response data
The output format of the motion JPEG data is the "Server-push". Some HTTP headers have possibilities
to be inserted between the boundary string and the data chunk (JPEG data) listed below.
Content-Type header
Indicates that the data chunk is "image/jpeg" type.
CamTim header
Stands for the date and time the JPEG image is taken in the unit.
DataLen header
Stands for the data length of the data chunk. The figure is fixed in the form of 8 digits
and will be padded by "0" when the data length is in the range of 7 digits or less.
The following example shows the response data to get motion JPEG bit stream.
HTTP/1.0 200 OK¥r¥n
Content-Type: multipart/x-mixed-replace;boundary=--myboundary¥r¥n
Content-Type: image/jpeg¥r¥n
CamTim: 2004-05-18 Tue 10:13:05¥r¥n
<JPEG image data>¥r¥n
Content-Type: image/jpeg¥r¥n
CamTim: 2004-05-18 Tue 10:13:05¥r¥n
<JPEG image data>¥r¥n
Content-Type: image/jpeg¥r¥n
CamTim: 2004-05-18 Tue 10:13:06¥r¥n
<JPEG image data>¥r¥n