Multimedia 84
Note: From the Podcasts screen, tap the right soft key function Menu > Options to select
a default memory location.
RSS Reader
RSS Reader provide news updates from your favorite website(s) in a simple form for your
device. If you are switching from another reader, you can import your existing
subscriptions into your RSS Reader. You can also export your subscriptions to an OPML
file for importing into another reader.
Create feeds
From the Today screen, tap the right soft key function Main Menu.
2. Tap the white triangle at the bottom of the display to view additional
3. Tap RSS Reader.
4. Tap the right soft key function Menu > New Subscription > Enter URL.
5. Enter a web address you would like to subscribe to for web feeds and tap the
left soft key function Add.
Read latest contents
From the Today screen, tap the right soft key function Main Menu.
2. Tap the white triangle at the bottom of the display to view additional
3. Tap RSS Reader.
4. Tap a feed and tap the right soft key function Menu > Update to get the latest
5. Tap the left soft key function Done when the search is complete.
6. Tap an updated post.
Import an existing subscription list
From the Today screen, tap the right soft key function Main Menu.
2. Tap the white triangle at the bottom of the display to view additional
3. Tap RSS Reader.