
21 Menus
Theme Maker: Allows you to create your own customized theme for the Today
Today: Allows you to select preloaded themes for the Today screen. Also allows
you to set applications that will display in the Today screen.
Vibration: Set vibration settings on your device.
Voice Command: Allows you to set which applications can be accessed with
Voice Commands.
System Tab
About: Displays the Windows Mobile OS software version.
Backlight: Allows you to set your display brightness.
Certificates: Allows you to manage your personal certificates.
Clock & Alarms: Allows you to set the clock that appear in the Today screen and
Customer Feedback: Allows you to provide customer feedback to Microsoft to
help identify trends and usage patterns in order to improve Windows Mobile 6.1.
Encryption: Allows you to encrypt files that can only be read by your Omnia.
Error Reporting: Collects information on software operation for later reporting in
the event of serious error.
Hard Reset: Allows you to reset your phone’s settings and clear all data/
applications from the phone’s internal or external memory.
Language Change: Allows you to change your phone’s language settings.
Large Display: Allows you to set the font size displayed in the Start menu.
Managed Programs: Allows you to manage programs that have been
downloaded onto your device.
Memory: Allows you to view the used and available memory on your Omnia.
Motion Sensor: Allows you to set your device’s orientation settings for sensor
sensitivity, etiquette, and screen rotation animation.
Optical Mouse: Allows you to define the functionality of the Optical Mouse.
Power: Allows you to view the current state of your battery and set your power
Regional Settings: Allows you to set your phone’s appearance settings for region,
number, currency, time, and date.
Remove Programs: Allows you to remove programs from your device.
Screen: Allows you to align the screen if it’s not responding accurately to stylus
taps and additional screen settings.