Customization and Navigation 30
Customization and Navigation
This section explains the menu navigation for your phone.
Menu Navigation
You can tailor the phone’s range of functions to fit your needs using both menus and
widgets. Menus, sub-menus, and features can be accessed by scrolling through the
available on-screen menus.
Navigating Through Menus
As you navigate through a menu, options display on the screen as scrollable lists. The
right soft key function Main Menu (located at the bottom of the Today screen, provide
access to all menus).
To navigate a scrollable list:
1. From the Today screen, touch the right soft key function Main Menu.
2. Touch and gently press an on-screen option.
3. From the available list of options you can either:
• Touch an on-screen entry to activate it.
• Firmly press and slide your finger up or down the screen to scroll
through lists of menu items.
Note: Tapping or touching individual entries on the list opens the list entry.
Opening an Application
The Today Screen is the first screen displayed. The Main Menu displays when you tap
the right soft key function Main Menu.
You can also access menu items using the Start Menu.
The Start menu also contains links to all the applications and settings information, similar
to that of a Windows based PC system. To access the Start menu, simply tap the Start
icon in the upper left corner of the screen. A drop down menu list is then displayed, and
from there, all other applications and settings can be accessed.
Accessing a Menu Function
Dragging and Dropping
Certain menus allow you to move (drag and drop) an application onto the Main display
screen or other object. For example, you can drag the Music Player from the Shortcut
menu onto the Main display screen using the drag and drop feature.