35 Customization and Navigation
Widget Bar Navigation
You can drag the widgets to the desktop to use the application or feature, then drag it back
to the Widget Bar when you are finished.
Accessing the Widget Bar
Tap the Widget bar tab, located on the left side of the main display to open the
widget (quick access) bar.
2. Tap the Widget bar tab again to close the widget bar.
Operator: Displays active carrier.
Help: Provides information about functionality and features.
Sports: Provides access to Sports.
YouTube: Provides access to YouTube.
Telus Apps: Provides access to Telus Applications.
AccuWeather: Provides access to AccuWeather.
YahooFinance: Provides access to Yahoo’s finance information.
Google: Provides access to Google.
YahooSearch: Provides access to Yahoo’s search engine.
Windows Live: Provides access to Windows Live.
SharePix: Provides access to SharePix.