
Using the Edit Menu
The Edit menu is available with any screen where you enter or
edit text. In general, these commands apply to text that you select
in an application.
To select text in an application:
1. Tap the beginning of the text that you want to select.
2. Drag the stylus over the text to highlight it (in black). Drag
across the text to select additional words, or drag down to
select a group of lines.
The following commands may appear in an Edit menu:
Undo – Reverses the action of the last Edit command. For
example, if you used Cut to remove text, the Undo command
replaces the text.
Cut – Removes text and stores it in memory. You can paste
this text into another area of the application or into a different
Copy – Copies text and stores it temporarily in memory. You
can paste this text into another area or into a different
Paste – Inserts text you cut or copied at the selected point. If
you did not previously cut or copy text, the Paste command
does nothing.
Select All – Select all the text on the current record or
screen. Use this command to cut or copy all of the text and
paste it elsewhere.
Delete – Deletes text you cut or item you selected.