
1. Select the chat category from the list
in the Lobby. The screen displays the
chat rooms currently open under the
selected chat category.
2. Tap the New button on the bottom
of the screen.
Note: You can also open a new chat room
by selecting the icon when you are in
Lobby or a chat room, then select Create
Chan. from the Tools menu tab.
Use these keys to scroll
through the screen.
Creating a
New Chat
Pet Chat (3/4)
Test (1/7)
ABC 123
OK Cancel
New Channel
E 1$
3. Fill in the following information fields. To fill in the
information field, first tap the desired field to place a cursor
on the selected field, then type the information in the text
writing area on the bottom of the screen. For details on
entering text, see page 164.
Channel: Enters the name of the chat room.
Topic: Enters a brief description on the chat topic. It will
be provided in the information on the chat room.
Limit: Enter the total number of members acceptable for
the room. Tap the upper half to increase the number or the
lower half to decrease the number.
Locked: If you check this box, the chat room will not open
in public and require password to join the room.
Password: If you lock the room, enter the log-in password.
4. When you complete entering each field, tap the OK button.