4. You can find the caller’s name (if stored Address Book) and
number in the Review screen.To listen to the message, tap
the play button. Your phone plays back the message.
Cancels playback.
To pause the playback, tap
pause. To resume the play
back, tap Play again.
Tap the arrows
to skip to the
The current
message number
of all messages
Tap to delete the current message.
5. When you are done, tap the OK button to return to the
Answering screen.
To turn off or on the answering mode:
In the AutoAnswer screen, tap the ON or OFF button. The
button toggles each time you tap it.
To delete a message:
When you review the message, tap the Delete button to
delete the current message. You can also delete a message in
the message list screen. Select a message you want to delete
in the AutoAnswer screen, then tap the Delete button.
To adjust the speaker volume:
When you are listening to a message,
press the volume buttons on the left side
of the phone to increase or decrease the