1. To edit any ToDo item in the ToDo List screen, tap the
desired ToDo item.
2. To edit the task description, tap the icon on the hard
icon panel and edit the text. For information on entering a
text, see page 46.
3. You can use the edit menu options such as Copy, Cut, or
Paste, by tapping the icon on the hard icon panel.
To change the priority, tap the priority field, and select
another priority level from the pick list.
To change the due date, tap the due date field and select
another due date from the pick list.
To mark the ToDo item as you complete it, tap the
checkbox in front. Each time you tap the box, you can put
or remove the check mark in the checkbox alternatively.
If you access the ToDo Details by tapping the Details
button, you can also change the priority, category, and due
Editing a
ToDo Item