Viewing the biorhythms of the Mounut
1. On the Mounut main screen, select My Mounuts. You
can view the selected Mounut character.
2. Select
Options → Biorhythm.
You can view the biorhythms of the Mounut character.
3. When you are finished, press the
Back soft key to
Changing Mounut settings
You can define or edit the general settings of your
Mounut system.
1. On the Mounut main screen, select
2. Set the following options by pressing :
SMS action: When this option is selected, your
phone informs you when an SMS message is
delivered with your Mounut character. Also, by
adding action emotions to your SMS message, you
can control the Mounut character's behaviour on the
recipient’s phone.
The followings are corresponding emoticons and
- Happy behaviour:
:-), :), :-)), :))
- Sad behaviour:
:<, :(, :C, :-((
- Angry behaviour: X-(, X(, :-L, :-@
- Tired behaviour: (:|, :S, :-&, :Z