
Personal Phone Book
Note: By default, memory location 001 stores your voicemail
number, and memory location 009 stores 911 emergency
calling. However, if you desire, these two locations can be
overwritten by numbers of your choice.
Storing Phone Numbers Shortcut
Store a phone number quickly by entering the number, and
then pressing . Then follow the prompts to designate
the memory location and to enter the associated name.
Storing Phone Numbers at Call End
To store a phone number after ending a call:
1. Press to end the call. The call time (length of call),
phone number, and the store option are displayed for 10
seconds after a call has ended.
2. To store the phone number, press . The first
available location displays.
3. To accept the location, press . To select another
location, press the scroll keys to scroll to the desired
location, and then press to save the entry to the
displayed location. (You can also enter the number for the
desired location using the digit keys.)
4. To include a name with the phone number entry, enter the
name at the screen prompt. (See “Alphabetical Character
Entry” on page 28.)
5. Press to save the entry.