
Calling Options
Reviewing Airtime
You can review the airtime of the most recent call, as well as
total airtime for all calls since the phone was activated. An
option is provided to erase the total airtime number so that you
can begin a new total airtime measurement.
To review airtime:
1. Press to display the Main Menu.
2. Press for Call Logs.
3. Press for Airtime.
4. Press the associated digit key to display airtime for the
selected calls:
Press for Last Call. The screen displays the airtime
and the time / date stamp for the last call.
•Press for Total. The screen displays the total
airtime for all calls since the last reset action.
Press for Erase Total. Press to erase total
airtime, or press to cancel the operation and
return to the previous screen.
Note: Differences in carrier billing systems and how your
carrier bills for airtime (that is by the minute or the second)
could mean that the call timer on yofı˝2.453001 Tw1u]TJı˝3thae c13(ll)9(s f)28(o)1(r)9( u 5h)-t ATJı˝T*ı˝[t AT(s)ec21(1i3r )-3db.6(d )14s3r li.l l3r5(l)-5(i.002 5(-16e.h)6(e cal)8(l)-6( )14(timer)8( on)28(o)1ye)299(s)3062 TDıu 5hprierf15e7o cas3333333315e7o bist(2 TDı0 -1r)22(e33eoier)9T ca t