• _fyou connectthe USBcable to aUSB port on your PCand then turnon the
power,thecamera will automaticallysw4tchto "computerconnection mode".
• _nthismode, you candownloadstoredimagesto your PCthrough the USB
• The LCD monitoris alwaysturned off inPC mode.
• Connectingthe camerato a PC
1. Inanymode withtheexceptionof Voice Recording
mode,pressthe Menubutton.
2. Pressthe LEFT/RIGHT buttonand selectthe
[SETUP]menu tab.
3. Selectthe[USB]menu by pressingthe UP/DOWN
buttonand pressthe RIGHTbutton.
4. Usethe UPand DOWN buttonsto select
[Computer],andthen presstheOK button.
5. Pressthe menu buttontwiceandthemenu will
6. Connectthe PCtothecamera withthe USBcabIe.
• Connectingthe camera toa PC
÷ Ifyouselected [Printer]in Step4, when you connectthe camera toyour
phnter,the [ConnectingPrinter]messagewiltdisplayandtheconnectionwill
not beestablished.
Inthiscase,disconnectthe USB cable,and thenfotbw the procedurefrom
Step 2 and onward.
• Disconnectingthe camera and PC : Refertopage 79