g Ifthe memorycard isinserted inthe camera,allthecamerafunctions applyonly
to the memorycard.
g Ifthe memorycard isnot inserted inthecamera all thecamera functionsapply
onlytothe internalmemory.
g Ifyou haveturnedonthe camera by pressingthe POWERbutton, youcanpress
the PLAY MODEbuttononce toswitchto Playmodeand pressitagainto switch
to Recordingmode.
g Youcantumthe poweronwith the playmodebutton. The cameraisturnedon in
playmode.Pressthe playmode buttonagainandthecamera willbeturned off.
g Youcanset upthe PLAY modefunctionby using the camerabuttonsand LOD
• Playingbackastiffimage
1.SelectthePLAY modebypressingthe
playmode button( _ )
2.Thelastimage storedonthe memory is
displayedon the LCDmonitor.
3. Selectanimage thatyouwantto play
backby pressingthe LEFT/RIGHT
÷ Press andhold the Le_tor Rightbuttonto
fastforwardtheimages played.
® Playingback a movieclip
Stepsfrom 1-2arethe sameas thoseto playback
astill image.
3.Selecttherecordedmovieclip andpressthe
Play& Pausebuttonto playback.
-To pausea movie clipfitewhileplayingit back,
pressthe play& pause buttonagain.
-Pressingtheplay & pausebuttonagainwill
causethemovie clipfilerestart.
-To rewindthe movieclipwhileit isplaying,
pressthe LEFTbutton. Tofastfo_ard the
movieclip pressthe RIGHT button.
-To stopplaybackof the movieclip,pressthe
play &pausebutton,and thenpressthe LEFT
or RIGHTbutton.