• Whenthe menuisdisplayedon theLCDmonitor,pressingthe Rightbuttonmakesthe
curasrsh_tothe righttab.
• Whenthe menuis notdisplayedonthe LCDmonitor,the RIGHTbuttonoperatesas
theSelf-timer(_ )button.Thisfunctionisusedwhenthephotographerwouktalso
liketobeinthe image.
• Selecting the self-timer
1.RotatetheMODE D_ALto selecta RECORDING
mode withtheexceptionof VOICERECORDING
2. Press the SELF-TIMERbuttonuntitthedesired
mode indicatordisplaysontheLCD monitor.
A 10second,2second or doubleself-timericon
appearsonthe LCD monitor.InMovieClip mode,
onlythe 10-secondself-timerwilIwork.
• 10SECself-timer( _ )
:Pressingthe shutter buttonwitlallowan interval i
of 10secondsbeforetheimage is taken.
• 2SEC self-timer(_2s )
:Pressingtbe shutter buttonwillalbw an interval [Selectingthe10SECselfltimel]
of2seconds beforetheimage istaken.
• Doubleself-timer( _3_)
:Apicturewill betaken afterabout 10secondsand 2 secondslatera
second picturewillbetaken.When usingthe flash the2-second self-timer
may bedelayedfor longerthan2 secondsdepending onthe flashcharge
3. Whenyoupressthe SHUTrER button,the picturewillbetaken afterthe
specifiedtime haselapsed.
• MENU button
-Whenyou pressthe MENUbutton,a menu relatedto eachcamera modewill
bedisplayed onthe LCD monitor.Pressingitagainwillreturnthe LCDtothe
-A menuoptioncanbedisplayed forMOVIECLtP and STILLIMAGE.
Thereis nomenu availablewhenthe VOICE RECORDINGmode isselected.
Pressing the MENU button
[Menuoft] [Menu on]
• OK button
-Whenthemenu isdisplayed onthe LCD monitor,thisbuttonis usedfor shifting
the cursorto the submenu orfor confirmingdata.