• Whilethe menu is showing, pressthe DOWNbuttonto move fromthe main
menu toasubmenu,or to movedown the submenu.Whenthe menu is not
showing,youcan usethe MACRO/ DOWN buttonto take macro pictures.The
distance rangesare shownbelow. Press the Macrobuttonuntilthedesired
macromode indicatordisplaysonthe LCDmonitor.
[Auto macro ( _ )] [Macro ( _ )] [Super Macro ( _ )]
• Types d focus modes andfocus ranges (W:Wide, T: Tele) (Unit :cm)
Mode FocusType Focusrange Mode FocusType Focusrange
W:80-lnfinity W:10~80
Auto Macro
T:80-1nfinity T:50~80
Auto W:I 0-infinity Prograrr Super W:1~10
macro T:50-1nfinity Macro (Wideonly)
W:80-lnfinity Manual W:l-infinity
Drograrr Normal
T:80-1nfinity focus T:50dnfinity
• IntheProgram,A,S,Mmodes,youcan changetheaperturevalueandshutterspeed
bypressingthis button
• Manual Focus :Wherethe automaticfocusing isnot
available,for example,invery dark
manually.Please becarefulwhen
using the manualfocusas the picture
• Howto use the ManualFocus
1.Inthe M mode,pressthe ASM buttontwice and
ManualFocus barwill display.
2.Setthe focal lengthby usingthe Up/Down button.
Press theshutter buttonto captureanimage.
Upbutton:movesthe pointof focusfurther away
Down button:movesthe pointoffocus nearer