416 www.rolandus.com Roland VS-2480 Owner’s Manual
Balanced cables and connectors produce low-noise signals by using all three of the cable’s
wires. In a balanced connection, two copies of the signal travel through the cable—one
copy is 180 degrees out of phase. If the two signals have picked up any noise along the way,
the noise is eliminated due to phase cancellation when the out-phase-signal is flipped back
into phase at the destination connector. The third wire is the ground. Use balanced cables
and connectors if possible. See “Phase cancellation.”
Bit depth
Digital recording can capture audio using number strings of varying lengths—a longer
string allows more detail in the description of level changes in the signal. The size of a
string is referred to as its “bit depth.” Most often, digital devices record and play audio
using bit depths of 16 or 24 bits. Audio CDs use 16 bits.
Bouncing is the copying of tracks onto another tracks. Typically, this is done to combine a
greater number of tracks into a fewer tracks, though there are other reasons to bounce.
Some people call bouncing “ping-ponging.”
“Burn” is music industry slang for writing data onto a CD.
A bus is a pathway down which one or more signals travel to a common destination.
CD-R/RW drive
A CD-R/RW drive—short for “CD-Recordable/ReWritable”—is a device that can burn
audio onto CD-R (“CD-Recordable”) or CD-RW (“CD-ReWritable”) discs. You can write
unerasable, permanent data onto a CD-R one time. A CD-RW disk can be reused: You can
erase a CD-RW and write new data onto the disk.
A channel is a set of tools for managing and shaping an audio signal. The VS-2480 has input
channels, track channels, Aux master channels and FX return channels.
Channel strip
A channel strip is a physical set of channel controls. In the VS-2480, there are 16 channel
strips that can be assigned to the control of the various channels (see “Channels” above).
A device that can reduce the level of signals that are louder than a specified volume.
dB, dBu
Units of measurement for the levels of audio signals.
VS2480OMUS.book 416 ページ 2006年2月7日 火曜日 午後4時16分